Making mobile mapping accurate
and easy
The Nedinsco Mobile Mapping 360 camera system is an all-in-one solution, 12K resolution 360° camera for HD mobile surveillance and mobile mapping.
The system is designed to capture 360-degree spherical images from moving platforms. The modern design, combined with the best lenses and software produces 150 Megapixel (MP) images with pixel values that are spatially accurate within +/- 2 mm at 10 meters away.
To perform highly accurate spherical imaging, we have incorporated 6 wide angle cameras, 5 x 30 MP. With the highest resolution, the necessary images can be captured quickly and with very high quality.
Perfectly suited for panoramic street inspection and border surveillance
The newest member of our field-proven 360 camera systems, builds on our heritage of vision systems with higher image resolution, enhanced on-board processing and rugged IP67-certified connectors. Support for additional Global Navigation Satellite Systems and advanced APIs, combined with hardware inputs, enable precise camera settings and trigger control.
Applications for customers include panoramic street image production, border surveillance, public area monitoring, road inspection, asset inspection and feature extraction for HD map generation.